

Conducted by the Radschool Association Inc.



Supporting the road ahead for our Veterans.



AED Instructions.





The Radschool Association Inc is a registered Charity that was formed in 1999 to represent the men and women who were trained by the Air Force to either maintain or operate its electronic equipment.


The Association encourages connection and mateship among its 1400 plus members through its magazine, website, social media, reunions and special events like Scootaville.


Scootaville is a charity ride where those involved can enjoy a wonderful two week holiday, touring regional Australia with a group of fun loving people, but also supporting two wonderful charities:



Legacy which cares for the families of hurt or missing Veterans.


The Air Force Association which cares for Homeless Veterans.


Scootaville also offers an opportunity for ex-service personnel to come together, reconnect with the community, to discuss any problems with their peers and to explore and bring attention to the regional areas through which it passes.


Scootaville will celebrate what it means to be Australian and raise awareness of the hardships that service and ex-service personal face.



See below:





Scootaville is open to both men and women, as either riders or supporters. A motorcycle license is required for riders, but the event organisers have everything else covered, including scooters, jackets, helmets, bedding, overnight accommodation and most meals.





We visit a lot of Primary Schools along the way, spend an hour or so with them, hand out "show-bags", give the kids a ride around the school grounds on the back of the scooters and tell them about the ADF and Legacy.


The kids enjoy it as much as we do!




And you don't spend all day in the saddle of one of the scooters, it's definitely not all hard work. There's plenty of time to sit back, relax with a cold one and relive the day's activities.





We provide everything, accommodation, bedding, scooters, transport, events, most meals, all you need is the desire to meet and enjoy other fun loving people and to help raise funds for Legacy and homeless Vets.


If able, we urge you to get involved. Scootaville is an event which you will remember fondly for many years.


If you'd like to be involved, click the Register Now link above.






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